The Helpful Resources page provides a convenient gathering of helpful planning-related resources, references, terms and maps that have been mentioned and discussed at various Community Plan Update (CPU) Ad-hoc Subcommittee Meetings.
Glossary of Planning Terms
A list of terms that were introduced at the Clairemont Community Plan Update Meetings
Focus Areas
Potential opportunity sites or “Focus Areas” as indicated in Figure 2-6 include vacant or undeveloped land (not including park and open space); residential areas that did not meet or exceed the maximum residential density allowed by the existing community plan, and non-residential sites (industrial and commercial) the maximum allowed floor to area ratio had not been reached.
The following method was used to determine “opportunity” areas by removing areas that were not anticipated to change in intensification:
First – All existing single-family, canyon/open space, and public facilities were removed.
Second – Existing residential densities were calculated for each property and sites that met or exceeded the maximum density in the adopted community plan were removed.
Third – All non-residential properties (commercial, office, and industrial) that met or exceeded the maximum allowable buildable square footage based on the current zoning were removed.
As a result of Planning Commission and community member input, other sites opportunity sites such as existing duplex developments that were developed at plan density, were later added to provide opportunities to upgrade housing stock, provide additional housing opportunities, and to revitalize certain neighborhoods.
Transit Priority Area
California Senate Bill 743 (2013) defines a TPA as an area located within one-half mile of a major transit stop, such as trolley, bus, or ferry.
Adopted Land Use Map
This map illustrates the existing land use designations that were adopted as part of the
current Clairemont Mesa Community Plan adopted in 1989.
Zoning Map
Zoning is used to implement the various land uses within the community, this map stipulates the permitted uses and intensity of development. Zoning designations shown on the Official Zoning Map reflect the current designations in the Land Development Code.